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Frédéric Bazille

The Digital Catalogue Raisonné

by Michel Schulman
© Tous droits réservés

Studies after Delacroix

Encre, mine de plomb, encre brune rehaussée de gouache et d'aquarelle
13 x 18,7 cm - 5 1/8 x 7 3/8 in.
à l'encre brune en bas au centre : F. Bazille
Collection particulière
Dernière mise à jour : 2025-01-19 15:18:05
Référence : MSb-88


Collection particulière - Vente Paris-Drouot, 29 novembre 2000, n° 58 - Famille Bazille, Nîmes - Par descendance aux propriétaires actuels - Vente Paris, Cornette de Saint-Cyr, 17 juin 2021, n° 3 - Collection particulière, Metz.


As far as we know, never exhibited


Schulman, Frédéric Bazille : Catalogue raisonné, 1995, n° 9 des dessins, repr. p. 241 - Schulman, Frédéric Bazille : Catalogue raisonné numérique, 2022, n° 88.

Once again Bazille's admiration for Delacroix is confirmed. This sheet of eleven drawings takes up several subjects that we find in his work. It is of course the horseman in the center that is the main subject. How can we be surprised? Inspired by his elder's trip to Morocco in 1832, Bazille took up these scenes that he had treated [Lee Johnson, The Paintings of Eugène Delacroix. A Critical Catalogue 1832-1863,vol. IV, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1986]. Compare also to Fantasia in front of a Méquinez Gate by Delacroix [Moreau-Nélaton, Delacroix raconté par lui-même, ed. H. Laurens, 1912, fig. 11, p. 41]. The top drawing, Monks in a Convent, is to be compared with Colombus at the Robida [Lee Johnson, no. 265, pl. 82]. The snowscape on the right is reminiscent of Effet de neige de Champrosey that Delacroix drew in 1834 [A. Robaut,  The Complete Works of Eugène Delacroix, 1885, n° 543, p. 144]. The woman in the lower right looks like George Sand in a man's suit [A. Robaut, no. 449, p. 120]. Finally, the dog at the bottom may be thought to be Tom, the family dog as depicted in the preparatory drawing in The Family Gathering from the Orsay Museum and in the Study of Dog skilfully drawn.